This is something my wonderful granddaughter says & it is so cute when she says it! That's her in the picture! Anyway, I've told you that we have this challenge going on.
The last 3 were: monochromatic; multiple pics; & a lo with pink on it somewhere & 2 or more chipboard pieces on it & they can't be letters. I haven't done any of them yet. I am doing ATC cards & did my ATC card for the letter "O" for "One".
Anyway, we have already issued 3 new challenges. The 1st one is to use 3 different ribbons plus something purple. The next one is to use something glittery or sparkly on your lo. My challenge was to use the challenge at http://pagemaps.com/blog.php
That is what my lo posted today is from. Thanks pagemaps. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was supposed to have the theme of "Summer" so it says, "I'm not 3 yet but I can add, Water + Daddy = Summertime Fun! I hope you enjoy it & stop by & visit pagemaps. Be sure to join us on these challenges too. Let us know that you are doing them!
I was being a nosey rosie from scrap fit to check out all the layouts very well done