Yes, I'm still doing the challenges & yes I'm still way behind. No, this isn't one of the challenges. You see, I am always saying that scrapping is my form of therapy & it truly is. I have been accused in one way or another of every one of the things on this list for the past 30 years & it just got to me today. I had to take time out of my day to get it out of my system & this was the best way for me to do that without saying anything to hurt anyone's feelings. It helped me to express my hurt without hurting anyone. And, now it is out of my system & I can get back to doing my challenges that I am still way behind on. In the meantime, I am going to be able to see one of my very dearest friends in the whole wide world tonight so I have to go get ready for that. I hope that you are enjoying yourself & are finding scrapbooking as fun & challenging as well as therapeutic as I do! Ciao!
Love it!!